What is 16×2 character LCD display?
16×2 character LCD display(1602 LCD character display), also known as 1602 character LCD, is a dot matrix LCD module specially used to display letters, numbers, symbols, etc. The following is a detailed introduction to it:
Basic composition and display principle:
1.16×2 character LCD display consists of several 5×7 or 5×11 dot matrix character bits, and each dot matrix character bit can display one character. The dot spacing between dot matrix character bits and the spacing between lines ensure a clear separation between characters and lines.
2.The display principle is mainly based on the electric field orientation change of liquid crystal molecules. When an electric field is applied, the arrangement of liquid crystal molecules will change, thus affecting the transmission or reflection of light, forming visible images or characters.
Display contents and characteristics:
1.16×2 character LCD display can display two lines at the same time, each line has 16 characters, and a total of 32 characters can be displayed.
2.It supports the display of English letters (upper and lower case), numbers, punctuation marks and other characters.
3.The character generation memory (CGROM) inside the LCD module has stored 160 different dot matrix character graphics, including Arabic numerals, upper and lower case of English letters, common symbols, Japanese kana, etc. and its CGRAM can be treated as lcd custom character generator to create your own lcd display characters.
Pin definition and function:
1.16×2 character LCD display usually adopts standard 16 pin interface or pin. These pins include power ground (GND), power positive pole (VCC), contrast adjustment terminal (V0), register selection (RS), read/write signal line (RW), enable terminal (E or EN), 8-bit bidirectional data terminal (D0-D7), backlight positive pole and backlight negative pole, etc.
2.The contrast adjustment terminal is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD. The contrast can be adjusted by connecting the positive power supply or the ground power supply.
3.Register selection is used to select data register or instruction register for data writing or instruction execution.
4.The read-write signal line is used to control the read-write operation of data. The read-write operation is performed at high power level and the write operation is performed at low power level.
5.The enabling terminal is used to control the timing of reading information and executing instructions.
Performance advantages:
1.Good display effect:
with high brightness, high contrast and high definition, characters can be clearly displayed under different light conditions.
2.Low power consumption:
LCD technology is used, which has low power consumption and is suitable for applications requiring high power supply.
3.Fast display speed:
with fast response speed, it can display the input characters in real time.
Application field:
1.Because of its simple, intuitive and easy to control characteristics, 1602 LCD character display is widely used in industrial control, instrumentation, consumer electronics and other fields. It is often used to display equipment status, parameters, prompt information, etc.
In a word, 1602 LCD character display has become an indispensable display component in electronic equipment and systems due to its excellent performance and wide range of applications.
MKTechnic.com provide many series of professional reasonably priced items about character LCD, such as 0802, 1202, 1601, 1602, 1604, 2002, 2004, 2402, 4002, 4004, .etc.
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